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Different Definitions in the CA Penal Code:
What is an "antique firearm"?

There is the old line that a Rose by any other name is still a Rose, but that is not the case for an "antique firearm". In the CA Penal Code it seems that the term means something different, depending on which code section you are looking at. I am not sure of how a person is supposed to keep track of all these differences, but the government loves to say that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Below are the references in the CA Penal Code as found by using: .

While some of the definitions are close, some are quite a bit different since it only includes the manufacture date and does not include replicas. While I am not an attorney, it seems that the definition of an "antique firearm" depends on the specific code section which applies. You had better hope that two code sections don't apply with different definitions!!!



Index for Insanity, Inc.

Written: 22-May-2006

Updated: 22-May-2006

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